Looking for some up-to-date security guard information that might help you to find a job in the private security sector? If so, then this is the discussion for you!
Private security work is always in high demand and the growth of the industry seems limitless. Security firms are always hiring, since employee turnover is a major issue for many companies. Security work can be a primary career path, but is really desirable for qualified guards who already had a career in law enforcement or military service and have since retired from the main vocation.
This post focuses on providing some helpful tips for those who want to break into the private security job market.
Security Guard Salary Information
Basic security guard work usually does not pay very well. The qualifications to enter the work force are low and the salary is commensurate. Typical security guard jobs are rated at the low end of the pay scale for all careers. However, there are ways to make great money working in private security:
Armed guards make much more money. There is additional risk, but most positions are relatively safe and the pay is definitely an incentive to face the possible dangers head on.
Bodyguards are at the top of the pay scale in private security. You need niche skills to get into this line of work, but if you qualify, then the earnings potential is very high.
Paramilitary contractors can work all over the world and earn big. Really BIG! If you have military training, this is a great job once your active duty is finished.
Security consultants have massive experience and college credentials which allow them to work in corporate environments and for governmental agencies globally.
Security Guard Training Info
Basic security guard courses are given all over and the cost is not expensive. However, this course only qualifies you to apply for the lowest paying jobs in the sector. If you want to make more money, then you will require better training:
Advanced certificates and niche training will help any guard to move up into supervisor and management positions. These courses can be taken as desired and will not cost too much money.
College is always an asset. A degree of any type is great, but one focused on criminal justice, forensics or military studies will really help out.
Experience in a related field is awesome to have. Professional investigators, bail bonds agents, bounty hunters, process servers, repossession agents and others can all use their past expertise to their advantage in private security.
The best training for security work comes from police, law enforcement and military backgrounds. Any of these jobs will allow a guard to work in the highest paying positions, anywhere in the world.
General Security Guard Information
Did you know that most countries and states have private security organizations? Now you do! If you want to know more about getting into this exciting line of work, go right to the source locally. Inquire with your local private security organization to get tips and make connections that can help you to land your first job.
If you are already well connected via a former career as a police officer, federal agent or soldier, then we don’t have to tell you what to do. You already know people who can put you to work right away. However, don’t be too hasty! Shop your skills around and see how much money you can earn. You may surprise yourself at your earnings potential! In essence, send out resumes and collect offers before accepting any gig.