Accident reconstruction is a specialized service provided by a range of different legal service professionals. Depending on the nature of the accident, there may be engineers, doctors, military personnel, law enforcement personnel, fire department personnel, emergency service workers, industry specific experts or private investigators involved in the reconstruction effort.
It can be a very challenging scenario to accurately discover the factors involved in causing an accident and detailing the damage of an accident. However, it is an even more difficult task to present this evidence in a legal forum, such as a trial. This is why it is crucial to have a knowledgeable legal services professional handling the reenactment from start to finish.
This essay provides guidance on arranging accident reenactment under the supervision of a professional investigator.
Varieties of Accident Reconstruction Cases
There are many different types of accident investigations which may involve incident reenactments. The most common types of accident-related reenactment assignments include:
Car accidents might often warrant reenactment, especially particular profiles, such as hit and run investigations.
Personal injury investigations come in many variations and might include such specific case profiles as work injuries, slip and falls and industrial accidents.
Maritime investigations and medical malpractice investigations are truly niche focuses that require specialized skill sets.
Each one of these types of incident will involve using experts who can decipher the exact details of how the accident occurred.
Reconstructions will use data provided by witness statements, expert witnesses and reconstruction specialists, who will use all the information to explain exactly how and why the occurrence happened and how it may have been prevented. These details are often crucial for ascertaining liability for the accident and assessing damage claims against multiple defendants.
Accident Investigation Specialists
Professional detectives typically have well-stocked address books, chock full of experts in every conceivable field. These industry professionals know their particular field inside and out and will be a huge asset to any accident investigation.
Hiring expert witnesses to perform a reconstruction typically means getting all involved parties together to simulate how the event occurred. Once various scenarios have been tested, data will be analyzed, notes compared among the various expert participants, reports will be generated and a conclusion will be reached. It is up to the attorney handling the case to use this conclusion to support their claim or to undermine their opponent’s claims.
Hiring accident reenactment specialists is not cheap, but can provide a clear cut explanation of why an incident occurred and this verdict may be instrumental to winning a case or gaining a fair settlement.
Accident Reconstruction Services
Incident reconstruction is a crucial part of trial preparation investigations and should always be considered for any serious accidents. In most cases, it is best to contract experts to reconstruct the accident and then again to testify to their findings, if and when the case actually goes to trial.
Pay-one-price fees might be less than 2 separate charges, but many cases do not go to trial, making the overall cost of the reconstruction higher than need be. However, the main criteria for hiring an expert should always be their credentials and credibility. High marks in both of these categories are worth almost any price.
For more information about using a professional investigator, or other expert witness, to take part in a reconstruction project, talk to your attorney or consult with a P.I. directly.