It is always better to be safe than sorry. This sentiment is the exact reason why background investigation has become commonplace in the workforce, in healthcare, in business and even in dating and marriage. Uncovering the true history of an individual or business can be crucial to a successful future relationship based on trust and knowledge, rather than hope and regret.
This article discusses potential uses for background search investigations in both personal and business applications.
Background Investigation Defined
Background checks look into the past history of a person or business entity. Personal history investigations may include:
Criminal record searches provide an accurate look at a past history of illegal activities.
Credit report searches paint an vivid picture of financial responsibility.
Court record searches document litigation of all types in the past.
Educational record searches can confirm that a person’s claims of training and study are truthful.
Employment verification can allow prospective employers to discover if a person’s past employment history is accurate.
Meanwhile, business background investigations typically involve:
Complete asset checks and financial profile of the company are often needed during mergers and acquisitions.
Criminal history search for principle officers and shareholders is another important statistic needed for particular reasons, such as corporate credit applications.
Regardless of whom you need profiled, a background search will uncover any issues in their past which may become problems in your future. Consider a background check to be preventative medicine to ensure the future safety and security of your family or organization.
Background Inquiry Methods
Background investigators will use a variety of resources to fulfill your search query. Professional investigators have unrivaled access to public records and dedicated investigation databases. These records can be accessed easily over the internet, saving the client time and money.
Some private detectives offer detailed searches which may involve field work to interview known associates, or former employers, in order to gain true insight into the exact nature of a person’s character. Obviously, the more sensitive the reason for profiling a person’s background, the more detailed the investigation should be.
Some examples of good reasons to go all out when checking into a person’s past include high profile jobs, especially in sensitive industries, child care workers, healthcare workers and people who work with emotionally or physically handicapped people.
Background Investigation Synopsis
Private detectives offer this easy and generally low cost service to put people’s fears to rest. No one wants to have a negative attitude, but in today’s litigious society, it is just not prudent to take chances when it comes to employees, domestic help or even your future husband or wife. Once you know that someone is actually the person who they claim to be, you can invest time and effort in making them part of your life, or organization, without the fear which comes from the great unknown of past history.
For additional information about background searches for pre-employment, premarital or business investigations, contact a licensed private investigator near you.