A bodyguard badge is a shield that is worn or carried by professional personal guards. Typically, most bodyguards like to remain anonymous, but in some circumstances, identifying oneself publicly as a personal protection agent may be a good idea.
Badges can be ordered at many police supply stores and also online, usually for a much better price. Just be sure to fully understand and abide by any laws which regulate carrying a shield as part of a job assignment. Remember, in some jurisdictions, carrying, possessing or displaying a shield which is regulated can be a serious criminal offense.
This dialog provides insight on buying and using badges for executive protection agents.
Purchasing a Bodyguard Badge
Professional bodyguards can buy badges from real-world or online manufacturers, wholesalers or retailers. Badges can be stock formatted with a variety of wordings, but are also available with customizable text. A personalized badge is always best, since it will display the name of the security company, as well as a license number, if applicable.
Badges purchased retail can be rather expensive, particularly when they are custom-made to order. Wholesalers offer a reasonable discount, but dealing directly with a manufacturer is certainly the best way to get a quality badge, without breaking the bank. This is the only way to go, if you are ordering many badges for a bodyguard company.
Just be sure to double check everything and get a photographic proof for approval, if ordering over the internet.
Badge Carry Regulations
In some areas, anyone can carry a shield for any reason. However, in most areas of the world, carrying a shield by non-law enforcement professionals is tightly regulated. This helps prevent confusion among the general population and certainly goes a long way to prevent anyone from fraudulently identifying themselves as an official law enforcement officer or other municipal officer.
Bodyguards are strictly cautioned to learn the rules for carrying a badge in every area that they intend to work, including those which may be transitional locales frequently by their employer during travel. Being caught with an illegal badge can be a serious criminal offense, which may land a well-meaning bodyguard in jail. Be careful.
Bodyguard Badge Synopsis
Remember to always consider why it may be wise to carry or display an official shield during a job assignment. Most private VIP protection and executive protection agents hope to always blend into the background and should not display any shield which may identify them or call attention to themselves or their clients.
However, in the case of paramilitary contractors that are assigned to bodyguarding duties, wearing official markings, or carrying a shield, may be advised to inform the surrounding public of their need to respect distance and security rules that are presently in effect, in order to protect the client in the field.
To learn more about the benefits and potential drawbacks of carrying or displaying a bodyguard shield, consult with a local personal guard association or call the local police for legal restrictions.