Earning a fantastic bodyguard salary is a dream for so many contractors in the private security and investigation trades. There is no doubt that personal protection agents are typically at the top of the food chain when it comes to earnings potential. However, this path to financial success comes at great risk, since bodyguards must put their very lives on the line daily and may have assignments which prevent them from enjoying stable lives in one location for very long. Regardless, for the best trained private guards, who love the freedom and flexibility of this interesting profession, there are few ways to become successful which will rival the economic viability of a bodyguard career.
This essay provides statistics concerning the earnings potential of professional bodyguards in various job descriptions.
Bodyguard Salary Statistics
Bodyguards come in a great diversity of specialties. Salaries may be paid by agencies which employ the guards or may be paid directly by their client, if the contract is private.
Agency employed guards usually have far less prestige associated with their assignments, although this is not always the case. These corporate bodyguards also rarely rival the earnings potential of their independent contractor counterparts. However, job security and constant placement is much easier when employed through an agency or company.
Obviously, bodyguards typically manage to save most of their earnings, since they often live, travel and eat with their clients, who foot the bill for everything. This way, virtually every penny earned can be socked away in a bank account, rather than go towards the daily necessities which most of us need to cover with our paychecks.
Bodyguard Income Figures
Bodyguard income ranges greatly, with low paid contractors earning between $50,000 to $100,000 a year for typical case work. Paramilitary contractors, who work as specialized VIP protection agents in war-torn and dangerous areas of the world, may earn twice these figures or more. Meanwhile, celebrity protection specialists can earn upwards of a million dollars a year providing their valuable services.
This is truly one career path which capitalizes on the phrase what the market will bear , since many private guards charge much for their services, but guarantee the very best results.
Short-term gigs usually pay more by the day or hour, but offer little job security. Meanwhile, longer term assignments may pay less, but offer steady employment and the opportunity to build a mutually-beneficial relationship between guard and client.
Bodyguard Salary Expectations
We never advise getting into any career just for the money. However, we also say that if you are going to do something, then do it well and get paid. Bodyguards exemplify this statement 100%. The best bodyguards are in great demand and can virtually write their own checks, when it comes to the considerable fees they require to protect the top celebrities and corporate VIPS.
Reputation is crucial when it comes to earnings potential, so remember to build a great resume and make lots of contacts in the industry to add to your monetary value. To learn more about how to earn a truly great living as a bodyguard, inquire about specialized training which can help you to raise your profile, and therefore, also increase your fees.