Celebrity protection is the art and science of ensuring the wellbeing of famous clients; mind, body and spirit. Rich and well-known clients can be very demanding in their bodyguard requirements. However, true private security experts, who can handle the most outrageous client requests, are among the best paid in the investigation industry and often earn semi-stardom of their own.
This discussion centers on private security for celebrities, including detailing bodyguards to the stars.
Celebrity Protection Assignments
There are 2 basic types of personal protection assignments that are used to guard the rich and famous.
Short-term security might be provided at special events or for specific times when threats are likely. In these cases, the celeb is unlikely to know or interact much with the guards. These assignments are typically paid on a per hour or per day basis.
Long-term work assignments for the same celebrity are a completely different matter and often involve far more interaction with the famous client and their surroundings. Permanent bodyguards often act as drivers, personal assistants and coordinators of the usual entourage, which has a tendency to follow the elite of the world. Long-term contract work with a famous client is a sure way to make a well-known name and reputation for oneself as a bodyguard, leading to a plethora of employment opportunities in the future.
Celebrity Bodyguard Information
Most celebs will not hire a bodyguard from an ad in the local paper. They will get their recommendations from other famous and elite clients who have actual experience dealing with the most established agencies. After all, these world-class agencies only employ the finest personal protection specialists.
Many celebs are looking for a particular personality type or image when hiring a bodyguard, so these credentials and qualifications can be just as vital as the training and experience of a particular professional.
The higher the profile of the celeb, the more taxing and demanding the position of personal guard will surely be. This is why only the top experts in VIP protection serve the needs of the top faces, minds and bodies in the business world, in Hollywood and in the music scene.
Celebrity Protection Agents
If you are interested in a career protecting the rich and famous, be prepared to start small and humbly. Our advice is to get the highest quality training available to you and build a resume based on sound career decisions. It will take time, effort and money to achieve the best bodyguard training, but this education will prepare you for job opportunities all around the world, in many related fields.
To learn more about private security or bodyguard services, consult with an established agency or contact a private investigation association for a referral.