A computer forensic investigator is a type of private detective who specializes in computer-related case assignments. Computers have become an inherent part of business, personal life and society, as a whole. We all depend on computers for our own needs, as well as preserving and maintaining huge databases full of personal and private information. It is unfortunate that criminals have also learned to exploit computers, using them to commit crimes, both large and small.
This discussion centers on forensic investigators who are experts in discovering and deciphering electronic media data.
Computer Forensic Investigator Work
Computer forensics is a diverse field which can incorporate many specific tasks. The most common reasons why people and organizations hire computer forensics experts include:
Email tracing can allow recipients to discover who actually sent them electronic mail and the location from which the correspondence was sent.
Computer security is a crucial aspect of business and personal use. Virus, malware, spyware detection, tracking and elimination are important parts of an overall internet security protocol.
Data recovery or backup services can help to prevent loss of information or restore information after system failure or compromise.
Electronic identity theft is a common problem online that can be solved using specialized security and tracking protocols.
System performance optimization will help any computer to run better and faster.
Competitive intelligence or counter-intelligence cases allow businesses to protect their intellectual property or spy on their competitors electronically. Electronic surveillance or counter-surveillance measures are employed as intrusive or protective measures to facilitate such tactics.
Internal employee theft, embezzlement or intellectual property theft help secure systems from threats who can legitimately access sensitive information.
Business investigations and corporate investigations can uncover instances of network or system compromise.
Criminal investigations, typically involving child pornography or fraud, are the specialization of some investigators, particularly those who work in active law enforcement organizations.
Computer Forensics Information
Electronic data on a computer, or server, leaves tell-tale evidence, even after it is deleted. Computer forensic specialists are experts in locating and deciphering this evidence and using it to achieve a particular goal.
Electronic data leaves indelible marks throughout its recording, application and transferring processes, providing clues to the forensic investigator about where the data came from, what it was used for and who accessed it. These factors are often crucial to a wide range of investigation cases, making computer forensics a closely related industry to private investigation, as well as municipal law enforcement.
Computer Forensic Investigator Guidance
Becoming a computer forensic specialist takes years of focused training and dedication. Qualified forensics experts have tremendous knowledge about the hardware, software and operating systems involved in a diversity of computer systems, as well as specific knowledge of how computers communicate and interact. Additionally, forensics experts must be able to write clear and concise reports of their findings and even testify in open court as expert witnesses.
Hiring a computer forensics specialist is always a good idea for any assignment which involves electronic data, since this evidence may be vital to solving or resolving the case.
To learn more about hiring a computer security expert to help you perform a specialized investigation of electronic media, consult with a local forensics association or contact a service provider directly.