Copyright infringement is also commonly known as copyright violation or copyright theft. A copyright is a grant of exclusive rights for the distribution, publication and reproduction of a written work. Copyrights are a type of intellectual property and are the sole possession of the writer or whomever the writer has granted legal use of the material.
This insightful essay details how professional detectives are instrumental in solving and prosecuting copyright theft cases internationally.
Copyright Infringement Law
A copyright investigation is generally commenced when someone publishes a work which seems to mimic an existing copyrighted piece. Copyright violation investigations can also occur if a person references a copyrighted work without citing it or gaining the express permission for use by the copyright holder.
Copyright cases are a form of intellectual property investigation and can involve very complex laws and regulations. This is why many general private investigators do not handle these specialized cases, but instead leave them for experts in the field who have the know how to uncover all instances of infringement and prosecute the violators under international, national or local laws.
Facts Regarding Copyright Investigations
Copyrights are granted in a limited area, by a specific government. Some copyrights may apply internationally, while others may not. Copyrights are not permanent and will eventually expire, leaving the material public domain.
Copyrights have been the topic of much litigation, with the definition of infringement or violation being interpreted in a diversity of ways by various courts. This is especially true in cases where a publisher or agent has limited rights to an author’s work, but finds some borderline way to use the material, which may or may not be declared infringement.
Illegal data distribution on the internet has increased litigation over copyright theft exponentially year over year.
Copyright Infringement Summation
Copyright law is further complicated by the concepts of actual and implied copyright. Some copyrights are granted by a formal process, while others are implied to the original author.
Most successful copyright investigators are either attorneys themselves or detectives who work closely with a lawyer that specializes in this niche sector of the legal professions. To learn more about protecting your written material, or to begin a copyright investigation of your own, consult with a qualified private detective or call your literary attorney for detailed information.