Crime scene investigation is a niche specialty within the international private investigation industry. Typically, law enforcement officers will strictly limit access to an open crime scene, since any intrusion can taint evidence and prevent apprehension of the perpetrator. However, many cases grow old and cold and are never solved by police. This is why many people hire their own experienced private-sector CSI agent to help resolve a criminal issue.
This report explains how private detectives can solve criminal mysteries using evidence that is found at the scene of the crime.
Crime scene investigators are usually members of the local police or federal law enforcement. However, many eventually leave the force, but still have all the skills they have acquired over a long career. These professionals often go into private practice as public sector criminal detectives, specializing in crime scene analysis and evidence discovery.
Many of these private eyes are former police detectives, medical examiners, forensics experts or crime lab technicians. They have unique abilities to decipher evidence that is left at a crime scene and can uncover possible clues to the identity of the perpetrator from recovered clues.
Crime Scene Investigation Issues
Police are notoriously strict in preventing public access to crime scenes. However, a talented investigator can still uncover missing bits of the case by working close-by and doing their best to get hold of pertinent information and clues from potential witnesses or connections inside the police department. Having former police experience will certainly help an investigator in these regards.
Once an official criminal case is closed, it may be far easier to get hold of crucial evidence that was once considered police property.If necessary, subpoenas may be issued to retrieve specific pieces of evidence for inspection. These can be complicated legal issues, so be sure to have an expert attorney to handle your interests in this type of matter.
Crime Scene Investigation Specialty
Whether you have been victimized by a crime, or have been accused of a crime, a private investigator can help you with your case. For victims, you have to remember that police will do what they can, but many crimes go unsolved. Law enforcement has limited resources and far too many crimes to solve. A dedicated professional investigator will answer directly to you and work on your case with a focus unmatched by local law enforcement.
For people who have been accused a crime, a private detective can help clear your name by providing an alibi and potentially finding out who really committed the specified criminal activity.
For more information about how a private sector investigator can be a big asset in criminal investigation work, contact a professional detective association near you.