An official criminal investigation can only be brought by a law enforcement agency. However, police and federal agents often do not have the manpower or resources to properly and thoroughly investigate every potential criminal act. This is why private investigators are so useful when there is the suspicion of criminal activity, but the rightful authorities have not filed charges or been able to solve the crime.
This resource section contains a variety of topical articles, which detail the role of professional investigators in handling criminal matters that have not been resolved by law enforcement.
Building a Criminal Investigation Case
The most common use of professional investigators in criminal work is trying to identify if a crime was committed and the specifics of that criminal activity, including who, what, when, where and why.
Police and federal law enforcement agents do not always follow-up promptly or fully on suspected criminal events, allowing valuable time to pass and the guilty party to escape. A dedicated private detective will work tirelessly in trying to solve a crime and will do so using every tool at their disposal.
Additionally, if a case is solved, you will be sure that the investigator will have proof and documentation enough to satisfy the authorities, when following up on the criminal event for themselves.
Criminal Case Profiles
Terrorism investigation is a profitable niche that continues to attract the very best investigators to battle the growing threat of international terror.
Credit card theft is an easy way for thieves to victimize card holders with fraudulent activity.
Theft investigation work is often commenced when police can not find valuable or sentimental stolen goods. Larceny comes in many varieties.
Arson investigation is a specialty of fire investigation and is usually handled by active or retired fire marshals.
Murder investigation, also commonly called homicide investigation, are the most serious of all case assignments, since they deal with the often purposeful loss of human life.
Rape investigation services can provide justice for victims when law enforcement can not identify or apprehend the perpetrator. Statutory rape investigation cases involve cases of minors and people who are judged to be mentally incompetent being sexually victimized.
Sexual abuse investigation cases broaden the scope to include all manner of sexual crimes against victims.
Stalker investigation work can safeguard the target of stalking activity, while simultaneously identifying the criminal obsessor.
Kidnapping investigation work can find missing children or adults who have been taken and held against their will.
Burglary investigation cases seek to find the perpetrator and recover the stolen items lost in the theft. Robbery investigation work can provide closure to victims of these often violent theft incidents.
Home invasion investigations might involve preventative measures or efforts to discover the perpetrators of a past crime.
Identity theft investigation is an epidemic crime, with criminals staying one step ahead of most law enforcement agencies. Identity fraud comes in many forms and can have dire consequences for victims.
Assault and battery investigation can determine the particulars of verbal and physical threats and violent actions against an individual. Assault investigation and battery investigation cases may also exist alone, but are often combined into one criminal charge.
Counterfeiting investigation work is virtually always handled by specialists in the police sector.
Crime scene investigation seeks to determine what actually occurred at the location of a criminal offense.
Crime scene photos are used to document evidence for posterity at criminal locations. Meanwhile, crime scene videos can provide a three dimensional look at the locations where crimes took place.
Arrest record search can find past criminal history and is often utilized as part of a background search. Criminal record search inquiries will show convictions for crimes of all types.
Child abuse investigation services are sometimes used during divorce and custody proceedings in the private sector of detective work.
Elderly abuse investigation cases can look into alleged abuse in the home or in a nursing or assisted-living facility.
Piracy investigation delves into stopping actual piracy on the water, as well as electronic piracy of data-products over the internet.
Tax fraud investigation work is the specialty of governmental tax departments, such as the IRS.
Human trafficking investigation cases can find people who have been relocated or used illegally and prosecute those responsible for these heinous crimes.
Domestic violence investigations might be the only hope for victims abused in the home.
Internet crime investigations tackle cybercrime head-on. Online crime poses new threats daily, so dedicated detectives who specialize in network security can always find lucrative work. Despite concerted efforts, internet scams continue and are actually growing in scale each year.
Organized crime is truly a niche specialty for some brave detectives.
Bullying investigations are new territory in the criminal investigation sector, with more cases being successful prosecuted thanks to strict new anti-bullying laws.
Extortion investigations can help people who are victimized by criminal demands for compensation.
Blackmail investigations are becoming more commonplace since victims often require private sector help for ongoing extortion.
Defending a Criminal Investigation Matter
Sometimes, a person is accused of, or even indicated for, a crime that they did not commit. Law enforcement will often not go out of their way to prove a person innocent. This is why innocent parties, who have been accused of criminal activity, can hire a private investigator to help clear their names.
Investigators can help establish an alibi, refute motive and even help to locate the real criminal who committed the crime. Statistics show that private investigation specialists have a good chance of finding far more detailed information about the true committal of a crime, and therefore, helping their clients to earn an acquittal or simply have all charges dropped.
Professional Investigation Justice
Criminal matters are highly sensitive investigation assignments, since they generally fall into the jurisdiction of proper law enforcement agencies. Undertaking a criminal matter requires specific detective training and should be handled by a specialist, preferably with past law enforcement or criminal justice experience.
To learn more about how a criminal activity investigation can benefit you, contact a qualified private investigator who has the training and know-how to handle these important case assignments.