A divorce investigation is typically commenced when one party wants out of a bad marriage and requires a good legal reason for the split. Divorce can be granted on many grounds, but some of the most common can be proven by hiring a qualified private investigator to look into the personal behaviors of your soon-to-be ex-spouse. Remember, if alimony is requested, the reason for the divorce will most likely factor greatly into the amount which may be granted.
This dialog examines the role of private detectives in divorce cases.
Reasons for a Divorce Investigation
The most common reason cited for divorce case assignments is suspected infidelity. Catching a cheating spouse on video or in photographs will provide legally admissible proof of unfaithful behavior. Private investigators are experts in covert surveillance techniques, allowing them to monitor and document your unfaithful spouse at every turn.
Another reason for divorce may be mental or physical cruelty. Private detectives can use surveillance techniques and take signed witness statements to provide proof of cruelty, which can be used to secure a favorable divorce verdict.
Finally, sometimes people discover lies or misrepresentations in a spouse’s past, which cause major problems in the present and future. A thorough background check will uncover all inconsistencies and falsehoods about your spouse, which can then be used to bolster a divorce litigation case.
Divorce Private Eye
Divorce is a painful process and can be even worse if children are present in the union. A child custody investigation is another valuable tool that can help parents, who share custody, to feel better about the safety and security of their offspring.
Asset investigations can be important during the distribution of marital property phase of a divorce trial. This way, your spouse can not hide money, property or valuable items from you, or the court, and will be required to equitably distribute all property as stipulated by the judge’s verdict.
Not all divorces are ugly, but many can turn out that way. It is always best to be prepared for the worst and a qualified divorce investigator can typically provide ammunition for you attorney to use, in the event that things go sour during the actual court proceedings.
Divorce Investigation Advice
Even if you and your spouse agree to a friendly split, do not be too trusting. If you suspect some fraud, foul play or deceit, there is a good chance that a divorce investigator will find it and use it to your favor when asset distribution is settled.
Do not get cheated out of what is legally yours by a deceptive partner. Take the time and effort to check out your soon-to-be ex-spouse, in order to make sure that you receive a fair verdict and a just settlement.
To learn more about how an investigation can help you to finalize your divorce, in a manner which most benefits you and your children, consult with a qualified private detective today.