Email tracing is a popular case assignment for internet private investigators and other public record search businesses. Although most people do not know it, there are a great number of resources on the internet which tell you how to trace emails all by yourself, for free. For those who do not want to be bothered with self-service, or can not get good results on their own, there are always computer forensic investigation experts to come to your aid.
The scope of this essay provides advice on tracing emails to discover who sent the correspondence, from where was it sent and from what type of device sent it.
Email Tracing Explained
Tracing an email is usually defined as discovering some of the key components of the message. Typically these details are easily found in the header or properties of the email. Just be learning a few simple tricks, you will be able to find out the IP address of the sender and a variety of other crucial identifying information, including server data, whether this is sent by a company or individual and the area of the world from which the message originated.
Many times, simply using a search engine to inquire about an email address will show other references to the same address and might also identify the owner of the email box in question.
Track Email Address Online
Many companies offer fee-based email searches using huge compiled lists of registered email addresses from all across the globe. While these services are not generally too expensive, they are often incredibly effective for discovering information about the sender of the message in question.
Very few emails are truly private and forensic experts in computer applications can determine a huge amount of data about an email address in a very short time frame.
Hiring a email investigator is a terrific idea for victims of stalkers or people who receive large amounts of fraudulent or potentially damaging emails. This may include emails with phishing inquiries, viruses, malware, spyware or other form of computer infection.
Email Tracing Services
Email has become the communication method of choice for billions of people around the world. It is fast, free and easy to use, but can also be exploited and even used as a weapon. Learning to protect yourself from potentially harmful or fraudulent emails is easy:
First, be sure to use secure servers to protect your email address and personal information. Make sure your computer is protected with a firewall and antivirus. Finally, if you do wind up being harassed by someone using email technology, take matters into your own hands. Learn how to pull apart the email message to determine more about the sender than they would like you to know.
If this is too much work, consider hiring a professional email investigator to turn the tables on your online stalker or harasser.