International investigations can be some of the most complex case assignments to successfully resolve, as the laws and regulations governing the detective trade vary greatly throughout the world. Any investigator who chooses to work in multiple countries must be well versed as to the exact things they can and can not do in each different part of the world to which a case assignment may take them.
Furthermore, international cases may involve additional problematic circumstances ranging from currency conversion, language difficulties, the stresses of extended travel and a lack of local knowledge and support services needed by all detectives.
This guide helps detectives to manage the considerable challenges of working internationally.
Definition of International Investigations
International private investigator assignments can be defined as cases outside of a private detective’s own country or cases which involve travel to multiple countries. International cases usually involve staying in touch with the client by phone, email or other form of correspondence, but in a few cases, the client may come along to be an active part of the assignment.
Investigators who accept international assignments are always advised to check the destination location for laws governing the P.I. industry, and contact a local private investigators association, so that they will not miss out on any information that is relevant to operating in an unfamiliar part of the globe.
International Case Work Information
International travel can be sticky business, particularly when having to take along various pieces of investigation equipment which may raise red flags at airports and border crossings. Sometimes, investigators may have to leave favorite devices behind and purchase new items on location, since travel would otherwise be difficult or impossible. Of course, these costs will have to be passed on to the client.
Remember to have all travel documents in order and leave plenty of time remaining on all visas and passports, since a good investigator is always prepared to stay long-term, if the case warrants extended action.
Finally, do not forget to receive any necessary medical inoculations or take any medicines which are advised for travel to some parts of the world. Many diseases which have been wiped out in developed countries are still epidemic concerns in other regions, making international travel a potential health risk for the unprepared.
International Investigations Synopsis
Brushing up on some of the local dialect will certainly help a private eye to get the job done faster and easier. Of course, full fluency in the area’s language is preferred, but this is unrealistic to expect from detectives who travel widely and frequently.
Many investigators hire guides or assistants in their destination location. When this is possible and economically sound, we sincerely recommend the practice, as some local intelligence goes a long way to getting things done expeditiously and keeping the P.I. out of harms way.
A final tip is to make contact with your country’s embassy in the location of the case. This way you will have someone looking out for you in the event of any unforeseen trouble or tragedy.