An internet private investigator is a private detective or investigation agency that exclusively accepts online assignments. These niche professional investigators do not meet with clients in person, nor do they typically do any field work. Instead, internet private investigation services focus on gathering information which can be acquired through database checks and a variety of specialized online record searches. Clients most commonly hire an internet investigator to save money over conventional in-person detective work.
This consumer guide extols the benefits of online professional investigation companies, but also clearly spells out their limitations.
Retaining an Internet Private Detective
If you have a simple case which can be solved by simply finding some piece of missing information, such as a person’s new address or phone number, there is a good chance that an online private investigator may be perfect for your needs. The price should be low and the data provided should be adequate to achieve your goals.
Remember that this is a competitive market and prices can vary greatly. Being that only a small and specific service is required, it is advisable to shop around for the best rate. Do not spend more than you need to.
Remember also that most internet investigators can only handle specific types of cases, which do not entail actual field work or court appearances.
Internet Private Investigator Case Profiles
Internet detectives are very limited in the type of assignments they accept and usually focus exclusively on the following types of cases:
Finding people can often be accomplished by searching addresses, phone numbers and other personal data.
Background checks can be easily performed online, accessing many different types of records.
Address searches can narrow down the current location of the subject of the search and can provide a list of known family members and associates.
Email searches may provide successful results for trying to contact someone online.
Adoptee searches can sometimes be provided by online investigators, but often require some amount of field work to complete.
DMV record checks are ideal online case assignments.
Criminal record searches are actually far easier to complete online than in person and may even provide better results in some instances.
Court record searches can uncover a history of litigation of all possible varieties.
Public record searches can scour electronic databases for all manner of search criteria.
Birth mother searches can concentrate on finding the current whereabouts of a known individual or can seek to identify a mother by adoption records.
Property record searches can provide detailed information about any parcel of real estate.
Death records searches can positively confirm the death of a known person.
Internet Private Investigator Advisory
The demand for online services and products has risen exponentially year by year. Operating a company on the internet can be very efficient and profitable for professionals in any business niche.
Some internet detectives are so good at what they do, that real private investigators often subcontract out their database and record search work to them. This is a common practice, since record checks can be time consuming for the inexperienced or those who are required to work in the field.
The bottom line comes down to this: If your case involves locating information which can be attained through the World Wide Web alone, then an online investigative professional may be just what you need. The price will be affordable and setting up the contract will be super easy and convenient for both you and your new investigator.
For more information about using the services of an online detective agency, contact a local private investigator association or simply do an internet search for working professionals in the field.