Marriage investigation usually consists of an infidelity investigation, although other reasons for the assignment may be cited. Premarital investigations are commonplace, especially among wealthy or famous clients. Some people would rather uncover problematic occurrences in their fiance’s past, before they commit to a lifelong legal union.
Divorce is traumatic and often involves protracted legal cases which can be extremely disruptive to family and finance. It is crucial to have all the ammunition your attorney will require if you are facing or initiating a divorce trial.
This resource section contains topical discussions which detail every facet of marriage case work that is performed by professional detectives.
Typical Marriage Investigation Cases
Most investigation assignments involving marriage and divorce consist of trying to prove that one party is cheating on the other. Marital adultery is grounds for divorce and can be proven almost without a doubt, using the surveillance technologies employed by professional private detectives. If one party can definitely prove infidelity, there is a better chance of legal verdicts going their way, in terms of child custody and monetary awards. A qualified professional investigator is a valuable asset during this tough time in life and can mean the difference between a favorable verdict and a complete legal nightmare.
Premarital investigations can help prevent bad marriages to begin with. These prenuptial background checks are often commissioned by the family of one of the parties to be wed.
Do you suspect that you have a cheating spouse A cheating husband or a cheating wife can spell disaster for any family. Professional detectives can discover the truth of marital infidelity, allowing you to get on with your life, while leaving your cheating partner behind.
Private eyes also work similar case assignments for non-married people who are in monogamous long-term relationships. This way, you can discover if you have a cheating boyfriend or a cheating girlfriend before making the ultimate commitment to them in marriage.
Semen testing is a related niche industry that is often utilized during infidelity case work. Additionally, there are home-use semen testing kits that make anonymous bodily fluid identification possible and economical.
Atypical Marital Investigations
There are other reasons for a divorce, besides infidelity, and these alternate causes may also benefit from the services of a specialized investigator:
Business investigations can uncover financial deceit on the part of a spouse.
A background check may discover previously unknown skeletons in your spouse’s closet, which may date back to a time prior to your marriage.
The reasons for divorce are often complex and multifaceted. Using the services of a private investigator to make the case for a divorce verdict in your favor should be considered by all but the friendliest ends to a marriage commitment.
Marriage Investigation Assignments
Divorce is an end and a new beginning. It is a time of great upheaval and can leave an indelible scar on a person’s heart and soul. However, life must go on and the realities of a legal battle over assets can bring even the most forlorn spirit back to down to earth.
Once in court, every single thing you own together must be equitably divided. In order to get your fair share, you must go into court with good reasons why you should receive what you feel is owed to you. Do not go it alone. Be sure to hire a quality lawyer and a professional investigator to ensure the best outcome for you and your family.
Protecting your rights, using the best legal help, means that although your marriage may have ended in defeat, your legal battle will end in victory.