A missing person search can be enacted by a law enforcement agency or any private investigator. While cases of suspected criminal activity typically result in a relatively quick mobilization of police resources, other cases do not attract much official activity or quickly grow cold when no leads develop. Additionally, very few cases will allow police to search for a missing person prior to 24 hours passing. This can often mean the difference between life and death.
In any of these circumstances, hiring a private investigator will focus attention on finding the missing person, regardless of whether they have left voluntarily or have become the victim of an abduction or worse. Investigators can often find missing people faster than official law enforcement resources, since they are not burdened by many of the same limitations imposed on police officers.
This dialog extols the advantages of hiring a private sector detective to work on a missing person case.
Police Conducting a Missing Person Search
Many police departments will not investigate the disappearance of any adult for a full 24 hours. Many smaller police forces will not seriously look into locating a missing individual for up to 3 full days. Luckily, these rules usually do not apply to missing children, since the introduction of new legislation, such as the Amber Alert system.
It is common knowledge that immediately starting work on a missing person case is key to solving the mystery expeditiously and with far better results. This is especially true if the subject of the search has been kidnapped, as every moment is crucial to facilitate their location before they can become the victim of sexual abuse, rape, torture or murder.
On the counterpoint, if police do not turn up any significant leads on a case within 2 weeks, there is a good chance that resources will be taken away from the investigation and allocated towards more current concerns. Once a missing person file has reached cold case status, it is statistically unlikely to ever be solved by law enforcement.
Private Detectives Conducting a Search
Professional investigators will work immediately on finding your lost friend, business associate, lover or family member. They will try to pick up the trail as soon as possible and will work closely assisting local, regional and federal law enforcement agencies with the case.
A private detective will not stop searching for their target until the case is solved. They are not mired by bureaucratic red tape or geographic boundaries, such as those which hamper police departments. Therefore, private sector detectives can travel to the ends of the earth to locate anyone, anytime. Hiring a private investigator to look for a missing person is often the fastest and most effective means of ensuring their location and safe return.
Missing Person Search Advisory
When someone simply disappears, it is often assumed that they will return on their own accord, within a day or so. While this is true in some cases, other times, the person’s personality just does not lend itself to unpredictable and worrisome behavior patterns. Trying to convince police to begin a search immediately in these cases can be frustrating and fruitless. By the time an official report and search begins, it is often too late for the poor victim.
If you get a bad feeling when someone you know or love goes missing, do not delay. Hours, or even minutes, can mean the difference between life and death. If you suspect foul play, contact a private detective immediately and get them to work on the matter right away. You will be happy you did when your loved one is returned safe and sound.