Nanny investigation comes in 2 main varieties of case assignment: The first is used when screening a new nanny for a job and consists of a background check and full criminal history search. The other, and far more complicated type of case, occurs when a nanny is suspected of inappropriate activity when already on the job. This behavior can take many forms, but some of the common criminal suspicions include child abuse, stealing, sexual abuse and even fraud or credit card theft perpetrated against their employers.
This dialog provides guidance on pre-employment screenings for nannies, as well as catching criminal behaviors of employed childcare workers.
Nanny Investigation for a Background Check
Most nannies come from reputable agencies which already screen them for any troubles in their past, including criminal activity. However, hiring a private investigator is always advised, to be doubly sure of the accuracy of such a background investigation.
It is particularly important to consider retaining your own investigator if your nanny was not recently subjected to a personal history screening or if they were not hired thorough a reputable agency.
Private eyes will be able to search past records including criminal and employment histories, making sure that there are no skeletons in your new nanny’s closet that may become problematic for you or your family.
Nanny Suspected of Abuse
If you suspect that your nanny is participating in any activity which may be illegal or harmful to your family, it is time to take immediate action. Many of these workers come from criminal backgrounds and use fake credentials to get jobs and travel visas.
Some are still linked to organized crime, which runs rampant in many of the underdeveloped countries from which the nannies may originate. There is no sense waiting until definite proof of criminal activity surfaces, since then it is too late and the consequences may be dire.
If you suspect that your nanny is physically, mentally or sexually abusing your children, or any elderly people under their care, you need help. If you suspect that the nanny is stealing from you directly, or using some high-tech means, such as infiltrating your computer or perusing your mail for financial records, then you need help.
Regardless of what crime you feel may be occurring, a private investigator can provide you with the assistance you so desperately need and can do so without alerting the nanny that she is under suspicion. This can make all the difference in providing law enforcement with definitive evidence needed for an arrest and conviction of all parties involved.
Nanny Investigation Advice
Most nannies are terrific and help us with the most difficult task in life; raising our children. However, there are bad apples in every bunch and some criminals have learned that the nanny vocation gives them the ideal position to victimize others, often with horrific consequences.
Do not be a victim. Be proactive and safe, especially when it comes to your children’s health and wellbeing. Make sure to thoroughly screen all prospective nannies, even if they are only there temporarily or as a fill-in for your regular girl.
Also, keep a close eye on what is going on in your home and consider installing several nanny cams to monitor behaviors and reactions displayed to your children. In the end, you will sleep better knowing that your family is protected.