A paramilitary contractor represents the height of the private security profession and is currently a very lucrative career path, since the need for mercenary soldiers is greater than ever. Paramilitary specialists are virtually always retired armed forces personnel who choose to remain living the spartan life of a soldier. However, this time, they work privately for security firms and various governmental and NGO organizations for far more pay than they could ever earn in the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines. Other common names for this hazardous profession include mercenaries and soldiers for hire.
This report delves into the world of paramilitary security and provides guidance for soldiers who want to cash in on their valuable life skills.
Paramilitary Contractor Defined
Paramilitary denotes that the security professional is basically a soldier. Contractor denotes that they now work privately as an independent operative whose services are contracted to a private company, governmental organization or other entity.
Paramilitary work is always profitable, but is also incredibly dangerous. Not only do these types of private soldiers place their lives on the line every day, but they also must operate carefully, since many have become targets for litigation or criminal charges during incidents in which deadly force was used against civilian targets. Paramilitary officers must be trained to use force in measured doses and stay clear of the abuses that are common to their profession or they can become huge liabilities for their employers.
PMC Demand
In today’s world, paramilitary work is in great demand in Southeast Asia and virtually all of Africa. Of course, the Middle East is a hot spot of paramilitary activity with Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria being the primary locations for employment.
There have been many scandals reported, in which private private soldiers have killed or raped civilians, resulting in action against them personally and against their employer. Additionally, these types of soldiers are frequently targeted for kidnapping and ransom, or kidnapping and public execution, in war torn areas of the Mideast.
The risks of this career are constant and serious. However, the pay is also wonderful, with many experienced soldiers earning 3 to 20 times what they did as active duty armed forces soldiers.
Mercenary Paramilitary Contractors
Paramilitary specialists are utilized for many assignments in unstable areas of the world. They offer private security and bodyguarding services, as well as facility maintenance and protection. Many contractors are involved in patrolling strife-ridden countries as a form of private police. Of course, big business often hires the best of the best to protect their financial assets in turbulent areas of the world.
The time is better than ever to secure highly profitable employment with a global security contracting firm. Being hired is virtually a certainty for qualified soldiers, since specialists are in great demand.
In the words of many happy private security contractors:
You can basically write you own paycheck.
This sounds like an opportunity too good to pass up.