Personal protection is also known as bodyguarding, executive protection or personal security. Although commonly associated with working exclusively for the rich and famous, most bodyguards actually work in private security, safeguarding the persons and possessions of a wide range of clients, including business people, dignitaries, politicians and international travelers.
This discussion focuses on careers in protective services, as well as detailing the variety of assignments that are available for well qualified protection specialists.
What is a PPO?
A PPO is another term for a bodyguard. Although rarely used on the street, the designation PPO is often utilized in licensing requirements for this fast paced and interesting profession. PPOs must be well trained and experienced in order to protect and serve the needs of their clients. They should be flexible, professional, courteous and personable at all times, in order to make the performance of the many job functions smoother and easier.
Most of all, PPOs must have inherent or developed abilities to recognize potentially dangerous situations, and prevent them, before they occur. This is called threat assessment and is perhaps the most important component of a bodyguard’s protective shield.
Personal Protection Assignments
Working as a bodyguard means different things to different people. This is due to the incredibly diverse assortment of jobs available within the private security industry. Some bodyguards work part time for special events, concerts, trade shows, public gatherings, and the like, and are assigned to watch over the staff of the event. Other executive protection agents work more detailed and individualized assignments, trailing one particular person full or part time, to ensure their safety and security. Still other bodyguards are deployed overseas as paramilitary contractors, helping to facilitate business and industry in developing and war-torn areas of the world.
Currently, there is a great demand for qualified bodyguards in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and throughout The Middle East and Africa.
Personal Protection Service Offerings
Personal security officers must learn to put themselves in harm’s way to protect their client. This is their most basic job function. The primary goal of protection services is to prevent threats and operate flawlessly in the background, rarely interacting with the public. However, when action must be taken, that action must be decisive, concise and well directed; in order to deal with potentially dangerous conditions surrounding the subject of their protection.
To learn more about undertaking bodyguard training, or hiring a bodyguard, contact a licensed private security contractor today.