A premarital investigation can be commenced by the groom or bride, as well as the family on either side of the union. No one wants to think anything bad about their fiancé, but the realities of life demonstrate that sometimes people are deceptive about their past history and present marriage motives. It would be a shame to marry someone and then become the victim of fraud or worse, when motives for criminal and unethical behavior can often be discovered in advance during a background check.
This helpful guide assists people in better understanding investigations that can shed light on problematic pasts, prior to being joined forever in wedlock.
What is a Premarital Investigation?
Before getting married, some people just want to be sure that the person they are bonding with is actually who they say they are. A nasty little surprise in someone’s past can be big trouble once wedding vows have been taken.
Many times, this type of prenuptial investigation is commissioned by the parents or siblings of one of the parties to be wed, on the basis of mistrust of their proposed in-law. Unfortunately, these feelings of suspicion often turn out to be very justified, since the wife or husband-to-be may have some serious skeletons in their closets.
A qualified private investigator can perform a variety of steps to ensure that a person has been honest about their past and does not present an actual or financial danger to their spouse-to-be.
Background Investigation Before Marriage
There are many things which a person might want to hide in their past. This is understandable. However, sometimes, these secrets may affect the viability of a relationship and should be discovered prior to the wedding nuptials. Some issues which may be kept a secret include:
- Being involved in several failed marriages.
- Secretly having children in the past.
- A criminal history or dishonorable armed forces record.
- Party to many litigations, especially divorce awards.
- A history of mental or physical illness.
- Poor employment history
Private detectives can run a variety of background investigations, including public record searches, military investigations and criminal record searches to discover if your fiancé is lying outright or hiding anything from you.
Premarital Investigation Advisory
It is difficult to imagine that the person you trust may be deceiving you. However, the confidence game shows no exceptions for romance. Even if your love is strong, there may still be doubts about a person, from hints which have come up in the past.
If your son, daughter, brother or sister is planning a wedding to a person whom you highly distrust, it may be a good idea to hire a professional investigator to look into that person’s past. If nothing is found, no one need know about the investigation. However, if something really bad comes to light, you might just save your loved one from heartbreak or far worse.
For more information about what can be done to check out a person prior to marriage, consult with a licensed private investigator near you.