A prenuptial investigation can be an uncomfortable part of getting married, but is still vital to ensure that the union is not doomed before it even commences. Premarital investigations have been, and probably always will be, common cases handled by professional investigators all around the world. Although this may be a sensitive topic, it is always better to know of your love’s troubled past, prior to making the permanent commitment to a wedded union.
This dialog explains the types of detective services that can uncover problems in your fiancé’s past.
Prenuptial Investigation Indications
Premarital investigations are enacted by one party to check on their fiancé prior to committing to wedding vows. Although it may be difficult to perform a background check on your most adored loved one, the realities of life and personal circumstances often dictate a need for these valuable searches.
Typically, a prenuptial check looks for the following potentially troubling items in a person’s past:
Divorce record searches can confirm previous marriage splits and may even provide details about domestic criminal charges or settlements.
Criminal record searches will detail if your fiancé has a past involving illegal behavior and if they have ever been charged with or convicted of a crime.
Asset investigation will profile your fiancé’s financial background.
Credit history search will demonstrate your fiancé’s ability to maintain good credit and will provide descriptions of liens, judgments and garnishments which may affect your future, once married.
Property searches will provide evidence of claimed or undisclosed real property.
Medical record searches will provide an accurate and complete health history.
Court record searches will give insight as to the nature of previous litigation as a plaintiff or defendant.
Prenuptial Search Criteria
Anyone who is considering marriage can benefit from the piece of mind generated by a premarital background investigation. However, some instances and personal circumstances virtually demand a full personal profile be uncovered prior to the wedding, such as:
- Marriages involving a great disparity of age or income.
- Marriages involving someone with a questionable past.
- Marriages involving someone with a known criminal history.
- Marriages based on insincere intentions or motives.
Prenuptial Investigation Choices
Premarital investigations fall into 2 basic categories: Those commenced by a fiancé and those enacted by the family of a fiancé . Regardless of who commissions the investigation to begin with, the results will provide knowledge, for the better or worse of the relationship.
Most people want to believe in good and hope for their future happiness in wedded bliss. However, if there are skeletons in the closet, it is always better to discover them prior to the wedding, in order to reassess the idea of marriage, if need be.
To learn more about performing a discreet background check on your future husband or wife, consult with a licensed private investigator near you or contact a private detectives association for a referral.