Private investigator process servers are a specialized niche profession who focuses their assignments on locating difficult to find people and serving them with legal papers. Process service can be a challenging proposition if the person targeted for service does not want to be served. This is even more true when the intended recipient has advanced warning that legal document service is imminent.
This report details the natural synergy of investigation and legal process service. Detectives can increase their case load and profit margin substantially, by offering both services packaged together.
Private Investigator Process Server Skills
Many private investigators supplement their normal case activities by serving legal process, while other focus on this task as a primary source of income. Personally, process serving has always been a huge part of my own work assignments and is one of my favorite investigative services to provide.
Process serving facilitates the various functions of our legal system and although it is not a perfect system, it is still a reliable means of ensuring legality in all litigation matters. Process servers are well trained in what constitutes ideal service of legal documents and will do whatever it takes to make sure your papers are received by the intended recipient, in a manner deemed proper under the law.
Investigative Process Serving Assignments
Some process service is easy to enact. Subpoenas Duces Tecum service, for instance, is an inherent part of most civil litigation, but is generally well received by the intended party. These documents are commonly simply requesting written records of medical services, employment histories or educational backgrounds, for inspection by the court and the involved attorneys.
Subpoenas Ad Testificandum request verbal testimony at a court preceding, such as a trial or deposition. These subpoenas are sometimes harder to serve, due to people’s general distaste for legal testimony.
Other types of legal documents can be even harder to serve including: summonses, divorce papers and legal judgments.
Private Investigator Process Servers Synopsis
Hiring a process server who is also a qualified investigator is really going that extra mile to ensure fast and expert service of any legal document. Not all private detectives offer process service and not all servers are investigators. However, if you can find a private eye who also serves legal papers, you have found a versatile professional that is perfect for all your people location and legal service requirements.
To learn more about how professional investigators can help you to serve papers legally, and in a timely manner, contact a qualified private detective near you.