There is an incredibly wide range of private investigator services available in today’s competitive intelligence realm. Private detectives are well trained and knowledgeable professionals who can accomplish a host of goals for their clients and handle even the most sensitive matters without infringing on the boundaries of the law.
This topical article explains the diversity of detective services that are geared towards both personal and business clients. If you have a need for investigation services, but don’t know where to start, this is the place to look for help.
Corporate Private Detective Services
Corporate and business investigations are also a large sector within the detective business. Corporate clients should consider using a private investigation agency of sufficient size, to ensure that all their needs can be adequately covered.
For a referral to a quality detective agency, consider contacting you local private investigation association. The most common business assignments covered by professional investigators include:
Store detectives provide safety and security in many retail businesses.
Mystery shoppers can help analyze customer service interactions within various types of businesses.
Process service is used to deliver legal documents for many objectives.
Skip tracing can find people who are missing and often owe money.
Private security is fundamental to safeguarding personnel and facilities for international corporate entities.
Executive protection is afforded to many high ranking corporate executives, especially those stationed in dangerous areas of the globe.
Computer forensics can help maintain data security within organizations and can even apprehend criminals who steal information from businesses.
Insurance investigation forms the backbone of the civil litigation sector in most developed countries of the world.
Public Sector Private Investigator Services
Many investigators offer their services to the general public. These detectives typically specialize in case assignments which are common to find in the general legal services marketplace, including:
Background checks can assist in finding a quality employee or tenant.
Criminal investigations can help victims, as well as those wrongly accused of committing crimes.
Infidelity investigations are commonplace and are often precursors to divorce proceedings.
Public record searches can find information relating to a full range of inquiries.
Premarital investigations can spare people from making a terrible mistake in marrying someone of disreputable character.
Missing persons cases offer a last hope when police can not, or will not, find someone who has mysteriously disappeared.
There are many more assignments which may be entertained by a professional investigator. To learn more about how a private eye can help you with a case, consult with a private investigator who specializes in public and general investigations.
Advice on Private Investigator Services
Many people understand the basic services offered by professional investigators. However, they may not be aware of the range of peripheral services which can prove to be extremely valuable and difficult for non-professionals to handle.
Less common investigative services include: cult rescue, adoptee searches, locating lost loves, finding deadbeat dads, judgment recovery, semen testing, stalker protection and polygraph services. Specialized case assignments should always be hired out to investigators who focus on the type of case in question.
Remember, it is always a good idea to consult with more than one investigation firm, before choosing the right one to represent your needs. This way you can be assured that you have hired the best detective for the job, instead of the first to simply come along.