A repo man is a common name for a particularly specialized type of investigator who focuses on seizing vehicles, and possibly other items, when the owner has defaulted on payment. Repossession agents have a difficult job and must always be extremely well trained in order to perform their assignments safely, legally and without problematic incident.
This resource section profiles the property repossession industry and the detectives who work within this fascinating branch of the investigative arts.
Repo Man Defined
Repossession specialists work for the bank or credit agency that maintains a lien on the defaulted item or vehicle. Once the bank has deemed that the loan agreement is unsalvageable, they will try to secure the cooperation of the borrower for a voluntarily surrender of the vehicle or property. If the owner does not cooperate, then a repo agent will be dispatched to reclaim the item.
Repo specialists must have good skip tracing skills, since many times, the borrower will move to another location or hide the property in order to prevent it from being seized. Additionally, these special private investigators must be calm under pressure, fast thinking and even faster acting, as well as have the ability to enter, start and remove a vehicle under duress, quickly and efficiently.
Repossession Agent Career
Considering a career in vehicle repossession is certainly not a typical path for most private detectives. However, there is good money in this line of work and many repo agents really love the excitement of their day-to-day assignments.
This job may require some formalized training, but many repo specialists learn their most valuable skills on the job, as interns. There is simply no substitute for the experience of legally stealing a car, which can be adequately represented in the classroom. The best way to break into this interesting career is to establish yourself in another form of investigation and then train in repossession skills with a known professional or agency.
Learn more about beginning a career as a repossession agent.
Should repossession agents carry and display a badge in the field? Get the facts.
Repossession Agent Experiences
Many people catch a repossession agent in their job and become agitated or confrontational. This is never a good idea. The law is on their side in most instances and preventing them from taking possession of the vehicle can land anyone in serious trouble with the authorities.
Likewise, repo specialists who break the law by extending their rights and privileges are sure to get in trouble, if they are caught. There are strictly defined regulations on repossession techniques and tactics in most jurisdictions and it is the investigators responsibility to know, understand and follow these laws to the letter.
Get more detailed information by reading what is a repo man?
Get the facts on car repossession.
For more information about property repossession, contact a repo agency or professional investigator near you.