Home-use semen testing kits are fast becoming some of the hottest items purchased online for detecting infidelity. Semen testing was formerly only offered by professional laboratories and was rather costly and inconvenient. Now, with home sperm testing kits, the job can be completed by anyone, in a matter of minutes, without having to send away a potentially missed item of clothing.
This essay examines how a sperm testing kit might be useful when trying to prove if your mate is cheating on you.
Types of Sperm Testing Kits
Semen testing comes in many forms for home-use applications. Many people utilize black lights (U.V. lights) to find stains, but these stains could come from anything. U.V. light can not differentiate between stains from semen, blood or coffee.
Acid phosphatase testing (AP) is a better option, since it detects one of the chemical compounds found in semen. However, this chemical is not unique to semen and is also found in other bodily fluids, such as vaginal secretions.
Prostate-specific antigen is the best and most expensive testing approach, since it can positively identify semen and eliminate all other potential sources of a stain.
Semen Testing Kit Cost
Most home-based kits can be purchased discretely for under $50. Some are as cheap as $15 to $20 for a quality setup and others are ridiculously overpriced at over $200 for an identical kit. Shop around to ensure that you do not get ripped off.
However, make sure to compare apples to apples when price shopping, since not all kits are considered equal. Make sure that the product you purchase will offer you all the facets of sperm detection that you need, while not costing you extra for features which are irrelevant. This is the best way to spend less and still ensure excellent and accurate results.
Buying a Semen Testing Kit
Many people find a positive result for semen and immediately assume that cheating has occurred. Even worse, many people instantly confront the suspected cheater with the evidence, only to get an explanation which may be very plausible.
Men and women alike can claim a stain is old, while men can simply say that the stain is a result of masturbation or nocturnal discharge. This can lead to bad feelings of distrust, but provides no tangible evidence; to the heart or in a court of law.
Do not play around. If you seriously suspect cheating, hire a licensed private investigator to get you the facts you need. These detective professionals can discover conclusive proof of infidelity, instead of just anecdotal evidence.