A sexual abuse investigation can take many forms, depending on the exact nature of the criminal actions, the circumstances in which they occur and the age and other characteristics of the alleged victim and perpetrator.
Sexual abuse is a horrific crime which imparts permanent psychoemotional damage to its human casualties. Sex crimes tend to target the least self-sufficient and easily victimized sectors of society, including children, the elderly, the handicapped and the emotionally-challenged.
This dialog details the roles of professional private sector detectives in sexual abuse cases. We will discuss instances in which investigators can prove abuse, as well as circumstances where private eyes can help to win acquittals for innocent people who have been unjustly charged with sex crimes.
Criminal Sexual Abuse Investigation
Official sexual crime investigations will be handled by police or other law enforcement agencies. The saddest part of being involved in sex crime work is that most cases focus on abuses that have already left horrific damage in their wake, as opposed to prevention efforts that might be able to stop these heinous crimes from occurring in the first place.
Typically, sex abuse cases involve the use of a variety of specialized psychological care professionals who are instrumental in helping the victim to be able to assist with the investigation, while still emotionally insulating them from the shock and horror of what has been perpetrated against them.
Sexual abuse can take many forms from verbal insinuation and taunting to inappropriate physical contact to coercion to full out rape or sexual assault. Criminal penalties for most sex crimes continue to become more and more severe, demonstrating that judicial officials now completely understand that any and all sexual abuse is a direct form of violent crime.
Diversity of Sexual Abuse Cases
There are many different types of sexual abuses which can occur. Some of the most commonly investigated by police and private detectives include:
Sexual harassment in the workplace often results in both criminal and civil charges being filed against the perpetrator. Workplace sexual intimidation, assault and rape are some of the most commonly investigated crimes involving the use of professional detectives.
Sexual abuse in the home, especially involving incest, can be a challenging case profile, as many instances of domestic violence are the most difficult cases to prosecute.
Sexual abuse in hospitals can victimize virtually any patient. These abuses can involve inappropriate touching, sexual assault, rape or inappropriate media portrayals in photos or video.
Sexual abuse in childcare facilities and schools is a horrific aspect of sex crime investigation. Children remain one of the most victimized of all demographics in society and account for a significant percentage of sex abuse targets. Sexual abuse of children in the home is ranked among the most difficult cases to prove.
Sexual abuse of the elderly can occur by family members, friends or caregivers, in the home or in long-term care facilities. Much like children, the elderly present an ideal target for opportunistic criminals.
Same-sex sexual abuse can occur from man-on-man or woman-on-woman victimization. These instances can also be difficult to prove, but might result in severe penalties if a criminal conviction or positive civil verdict is attained.
Verbal sexual abuse is also called sexual harassment. These actions can be criminal, but are usually featured in civil litigation cases, often involving workplace relationships.
Rape and statutory rape are the most serious of all sexual crimes. Both are punishable by dire criminal penalties and might also result in civil lawsuits, as well.
Bottom Line Facts on a Sexual Abuse Investigation
Sometimes, police do not discover sexual abuse or have a difficult time proving the crime actually occurred in a particular case. In these instances, private investigators are crucial in documenting the abuse which is indeed taking place and providing police with the grounds for criminal charges to be filed.
Professional investigators can prove sexual abuse through many means, including personal surveillance, using hidden cameras and microphones, as well as taking witness statements and sworn testimony.
If you require the highly specialized services offered by private investigators to deal with suspected sexual abuse, consider contacting an investigative professional with prior law enforcement expertise.
On the other hand, you may also think about using an investigator to prove yourself innocent if you have been falsely accused of sexual abuse, regardless of the circumstances. Many of these cases are orchestrated as smear campaigns in the workplace, or to target high-profile targets for blackmail. After all, there is nothing worse than being labeled as a sex offender or sexual predator if the accusations are truly baseless.