A slander investigation may be commenced when a person or organization feels that someone has defamed them, using the spoken word. Defamation lawsuits are complicated legal processes to bring, prove and defend, typically making them a logistical nightmare for all involved. Slander can be a serious offense and some professional investigators specialize in uncovering spoken defamation and using their discoveries to assist in civil litigation.
This essay examines the role of private detectives in slander cases.
Slander Investigation for Plaintiff
If you, or your organization, feels that you have suffered oral defamation, you can consider bringing a suit to seek judicial vindication. Obviously, simply hearing about potential defaming statements third hand is not enough to bring a successful lawsuit. You need to secure sworn testimony, in the form of live witnesses or signed statements, which testify that a wrongdoing has occurred.
A qualified private investigator can help you locate the evidence you need to bring a complaint against your defamer and win in a court of law.
Slander Lawsuit for Defense
A slander investigator can help to clear your name, if you are ever the target of a defamation lawsuit. A professional investigator can interview witnesses and help determine if your words indeed constitute defamation against a person, or organization, or not.
Slander must be proven in order for any reparations to be ordered, so it is crucial for an investigator to fully check out any potential witnesses, or the plaintiff, for signs of weak character, as well as a history of lying or criminal activity. Creating doubt about the credibility of a witness is the best way to defuse their testimony against you, whether it be by written signed statement or personally at trial.
Involvement in a Slander Investigation
Hiring a private investigator is a wise choice, regardless of which side of a slander lawsuit you reside on. Remember that in order for slander to be proven, the defamation must have been clearly directed at the specific party in question and damage must have occurred to their reputation or character.
Private detectives will help to ensure proper legal procedures will be used to tighten up the case and will be available to testify directly in court regarding their findings. Remember also that if the written word is used to defame, a libel investigation should also begin to uncover evidence to be used at trial.
For more information about how a detective can assist in your slander lawsuit, contact a licensed private investigator today.