A statutory rape investigation is a criminal matter which occurs when a minor is involved in a sexual encounter with an adult. Minors are not legally capable of providing consent for sexual activity. Adults who take liberties with children might use coercion or threats to enjoy sexual favors, or may even begin caring, but sexually-inclusive relationships with minors. Regardless, these are punishable offenses and might make the perpetrator subject to statutory rape charges. Police are often incapable of discovering the identity of a statutory rapist, or simply can not make charges stick against a known assailant.
This article provides details on how professional investigators might prove incredibly useful in resolving statutory rape cases.
What is a Statutory Rape Investigation?
Statutory rape is rarely the actual term used when charging an adult for a sexual assault against a minor. Depending on the jurisdiction, this charge may be simply rape, sexual molestation, sexual corruption of a minor, corruption of a minor or sexual assault. Statutory rape is most often implied when the minor agrees to, or even initiates the sexual behavior, as opposed to forcible sexual predation.
Additionally, in some jurisdictions, statutory rape must take place when the minor is above the age of puberty, whereas younger children can not be involved in statutory cases. The typical charge filed for younger children is child molestation, rape or forced sodomy.
Statutory Rape Assignments
Proving statutory rape can be difficult, unless the minor cooperates with the investigation or a witness is present to confirm the sexual encounter occurred.
This charge is highly controversial, since sometimes, a minor is in a relationship with an adult and has the consent of their parents to engage in sexual activities. Some cultures believe that a minor is capable of sexual experimentation and expression after reaching puberty. This is a view which often conflicts with accepted laws in most modern societies.
Often, charges can be often avoided in an adult/minor relationship, if a marriage takes place, legalizing the intimate contact between the 2 parties.
Statutory Rape Investigation and Private Eyes
Many clients hire private investigators to prove that sexual contact did indeed occur between an adult and a minor. The parents of the child may not be satisfied with a police investigation and may hire a professional investigator to learn what is really going on with their son or daughter.
Likewise, some adults charged with statutory rape may hire a private detective to clear their name, if they are innocent and feel that the charges have been filed as a smear campaign against them. In these cases, the investigator will use all the tools available to discover the truth and report their findings to the proper authorities.