A store detective is a dedicated private investigator who serves the needs of a particular retail establishment during regular businesses hours. After hours, store protection is typically provided by private security or a built-in security system. Store investigators typically have several functions, depending on the nature of the business and are one of the most valuable employees a firm could ever employ.
This article examines the usefulness of retail detectives and explains their job functions in vivid detail.
Store Detective Jobs
Retail detectives are multi-functional. They must keep the peace at the location and are a first line of defense against potentially problematic customers or employees.
Next, they patrol the location on foot and use covert surveillance devices, such as hidden video cameras and listening devices. This property surveillance helps to provide loss protection against theft from employees and customers alike. Retail detectives battle shoplifters and crooked employees who may steal merchandise or cash.
Finally, retail detectives often report their observations concerning customer service to the owner of the business. They may uncover problems which occur on the sales floor and suggest methods which can be improved to better the customer satisfaction experience.
Store Investigator Career
Many professional investigators prefer the intimacy of a small work environment and choose this niche sector of detective work. Some of these detectives may have former law enforcement experience and may even need to be licensed to carry a firearm for some assignments.
Specialists in retail investigation should understand how to combat theft at all levels and how to observe without being seen by potentially troublesome shoppers. Evidence gathering and report writing are strong skills which are also required, since the store investigator will typically liaison with law enforcement to prosecute shoplifters and criminal-minded employees.
Store Detective Considerations
Remember that having an in-store investigative professional gives a business superior protection for the staff and inventory. A qualified private investigator is a very versatile employee, who can be used for a range of specialized work inside and outside the retail location.
Some store owners look at this expense as unnecessary, but wise retailers understand that the benefits offered by a full time dedicated investigator far outweigh the price tag of their services, many times over. If you hire the right person for this specialized job, you will truly have eyes in the back of your head and will see and know everything that goes on in your business location, even when you are not there.