Completing a thorough trial preparation investigation is always a good idea before bringing any type of litigation to court. Trial prep work is a focused specialty of many private investigators, including this humble author, and can make all the difference in the world when bringing a lawsuit before a judge and jury.
This essay examines the components of a complete trial prep assignment and details the benefits of including a professional investigator in any litigation preparation plan.
What is Trial Preparation Investigation?
Trial preparation means different case assignments, depending on the exact nature of the lawsuit. For example, I work primarily as a trial prep insurance investigator for the defense and do everything in my power to ensure that my clients are well prepared to defend themselves before trial. Typically, regardless of the side represented by the investigator, an average trial prep case will include:
Serving subpoenas for medical, employment, educational or other relevant records for the court.
Witness interviewing, taking signed statements and coordinating expert testimony for trial.
Checking public records which may be involved in the litigation or required by the attorneys to present their case.
Pre-trial surveillance of the plaintiff, especially if the case is a personal injury lawsuit.
Photographing or videotaping the location of the accident, if applicable.
Basically comprehensive trial prep means doing anything and everything to assist the attorneys to present a quality compelling case.
Reasons for Trial Preparation
Attorneys can only use the tools that they are provided in court. This is the exact reason why so many law firms and insurance carriers have their own in-house investigators working diligently to prepare cases for trial. Many legal matters balance delicately on the edge of a judicial knife and a single piece of crucial evidence can make or break even the most seemingly sound cases.
I can honestly say, in all modesty, that the work performed by my office has won many cases, by providing vital proof, testimony or facts dealing with a make or break issue in particular cases. Of all the investigation services I know of, there are few, if any, which offer better value than quality trial prep assignments.
Trial Preparation Investigation Services
Each side in a litigation is trying to prove that it is correct and deserves a positive judgment or verdict. Unfortunately, in today’s fast paced and often biased legal system, the side which is actually right is not always the side which wins. Typically, the side that can make a better argument will take the victory, regardless of the so called facts of the case.
If you are going through the considerable expense and trouble of bringing a case all the way to trial, do not take chances. Make sure to hire a professional investigator who can provide the support you and your attorney need to win the verdict you deserve. Consult with a specialist in trial preparation work and gain the upper hand against your opponent. You will be happy you did.