Many readers write in asking, “What is a repo man?” They have an interest in this colorful profession, but often do not completely understand exactly what repossession agents actually do. Property repossession is a niche sector of the investigation industry and is concerned with reclaiming titled properties and possessions for their rightful owners. Repossession can be used for several possible reasons, each of which has strictly defined criteria under the law.
This article clarifies the definitions involved in the property repossession industry.
Basically, What is a Repo Man?
A repo man is an investigative professional who locates and recovers items which have been legally forfeited due to a judgment or breech of contract. The most common item repossessed is certainly a vehicle, be it a car, boat, plane, motorcycle or other mode of transportation. However, virtually any object can be repossessed, including a piece of real property, a personal item or a home furnishing.
Repo agents will never act unless the law is on their side, guaranteeing protection from police and if necessary, the utilization of whatever force is needed to secure the item and return it to its proper legal owner.
What is a Repossession Specialist?
Repossession is most often associated with the failure to pay for an item under a contract of law. Cars, and other vehicles, can be leased or financed, but remain the property of the lien holder, until the loan is satisfied. If the borrower defaults on the loan agreement, and will not cooperate with the lender to set up payments or return the property secured by the lending agreement, then a repo agent will usually be hired and dispatched to reclaim the item for the lending institution.
Similar or identical property repossession can also be ordered for personal items, like jewelry or firearms, as well as home items, like electronics, appliances or furniture.
In some cases, repossession is handled by the local law enforcement agency, such as in the case of most evictions and subsequent real estate repossession. The sheriff is usually dispatched to remove the occupant from the premises and confiscate or discard any personal possessions which remain.
What is a Repo Man? / Answers
Repo agents always have interesting jobs, but the danger factor is high, since most people think they can avoid repossession by running from or fighting a reclaiming professional. Running will not get a person far, as these pros are experts in finding the property in question, to the ends of the earth, if need be. Fighting will definitely get the target of repossession in further trouble, this time with police, since repo agents act in accordance with the law and are protected by the law to a large degree.
It is rather disheartening to us to know that many people who are reading this page are doing so in order to look for a way to avoid repossession. Our advice Give up before you get in additional trouble. The property is not yours and it will be reclaimed eventually. The only question is, How many additional legal woes are you willing to bring your way to protect something which you do not own anyway.