A wireless spy camera is a high-tech tool used by many private investigators, home owners and business operators. Wireless cameras operate using a separate receiver that can be hooked up to a monitoring or recording device and are extremely flexible in their applications, since they are not bound by the restrictions of hard-wiring.
Wireless spy cams are excellent for home and business security applications, but are best known for being used during detective surveillance operations, where an operator can not be seen using an obvious camera.
This essay takes a glimpse at wireless video technologies and their role in the professional investigation community.
Wireless Spy Camera Technical Details
Wireless cameras are like tiny radio transmitters that send their signal to a receiver through the air. They operate much like a cordless phone, in terms of having both signaling and base units. The actual camera portion is typically either very tiny or is concealed inside or behind an object to prevent detection. The camera portion of the device can run on AC power or direct current, via battery. The receiver can be powered by AC alone, but some portable units also feature battery operation for field work.
Wireless video cameras are easy to use and generally dependable, but can suffer from interference in picture quality or signal strength in some situations. It is always best to keep the camera and receiver as close together as possible, to ensure the best results. Operating on different floors or through certain types of wall materials can be a challenge.
Varieties of Wireless Video Camera
The most common type of wireless video camera is the pinhole variety, consisting of a lens attached to a simple circuit board. These tiny cameras are cheap to purchase and come in a range of qualities for every conceivable application. Pinhole cameras are commonly mounted behind a wall or inside an object to fully disguise their true use for undercover surveillance.
Nanny cameras also come in many wireless styles and are the simplest hidden cameras for non-professionals to operate effectively. Best of all, nanny cams come in so many varieties that you can literally surround a room with dozens of them and no one will ever know.
Finally, full size openly identifiable security cameras can also be set up to function without wires. This is preferable for situations in which camera placement must be moved regularly or other scenarios in which hard-wiring may become a security or logistics liability.
Tips on Using Wireless Spy Cameras
The majority of home owners and business operators who purchase wireless hidden video cameras, do so as part of a home security system or loss prevention system. Homeowners can discreetly monitor all activities in and around their residence easily, whether they are home or not. Business owners can help reduce shoplifting and employee theft by placing wireless cams inside their stores.
To find out more about whether wireless video cameras are well suited for your security or surveillance needs, contact a qualified professional detective or a private investigation equipment store near you.