Workers compensation fraud is an epidemic problem, with the number of fraudulent and inflated claims growing every day. Luckily, there are investigators who deal exclusively in discovering and preventing insurance fraud and falsified workers compensation claims. Remember that we all pay the hefty price for the dishonestly of people who invent or inflate injury claims.
This treatise explains the process of investigating heinous examples of workers compensation benefit theft.
Workers Compensation Theft
Workers compensation fraud is often discovered during a related civil litigation for a personal injury, such as a slip and fall, car accident, work-related claim or sporting injury. Many people purposefully exaggerate injuries or the extent in which the injury affects them and their ability to work. Other plaintiffs are brainwashed by money-hungry attorneys and their puppet doctors, who actually convince them that they are damaged goods and unable to work.
If the claim is suspicious and warrants investigation, there is a good chance that the truth of the matter will eventually be found out. In these cases, the civil investigator will share all their files with investigators working for the insurance carrier, who will likely ask the authorities to bring the person up on charges of fraudulent claim activity.
Workers Compensation Fraud Concerns
Workers compensation is a program designed to protect people who are legitimately disabled and unfit for work, due to physical or emotional circumstances. The benefits are designed to help someone through a difficult time and assist them with medical care when they have been injured. However, many plaintiffs and their attorneys, have found that abusing the system can be profitable and even adds credibility to already inflated personal injury claims that are filed in civil court.
Litigation is the American way of life, which is proven daily when you observe the clogged mess we call our legal system. In our personal opinion, compensation fraud should be prosecuted firmly and without any leniency. People found guilty of defrauding the system should face mandatory fines totaling far more than their benefits and jail time. Their attorneys should be disbarred and forbidden from practicing law ever again.
Workers Compensation Fraud Synopsis
If you are in a position to benefit from workers compensation, please be honest and upright. It is not fair to think that you might deserve more than you are rightfully due. We know that the system is far from perfect, but taking advantage of its weaknesses will certainly not help improve the workers compensation fund or the country, as a whole.
If you do try to push the boundaries of your claim into suspect territory, just remember that there are investigators watching you. While it may take some time to put together a case, there is a excellent chance that your fraud will be discovered and you will be punished. Do not take the chance. Try your best to work within the system and be thankful for the benefits you rightfully receive. Read more about workers compensation investigations.